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Sakura Tales 5: Freshman Orientation

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Sakura Tales 5: Freshman Orientation

Cute young Asian girls, and you know they just love to fuck constantly wanting more and more! With hot tight pussies giving you yellow fever. You're so addicted, feeling slutty inside, sweet and innocent outside makes you satisfied.

Duration: 111 minutes
From the series: Sakura Tales
Directed by: Alex Ladd 
Studio: DVSX 

Watch these pornstars in Sakura Tales 5: Freshman Orientation :
 • Reina Leone  • Kitty  • Sledge Hammer  • Alberto Rey  • Mia Parks  • Talon  • Jade Moore  • Nyla Thai  • Jay Ashley  • Karl Kinkaid  • Mila Yung  • Heidi Ho  • Loni


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