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Cheerleader Strippers

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Cheerleader Strippers

The originator of the double combo-vocational fluff epics, Jim Holliday, has done it again! The man who gave you Cheerleader Nurses and Stripper Nurses has come full circle with his latest extravaganza; Cheerleader Strippers is the perfectly logical illogical choice. The action takes place at the West Sweden Strip-O-Rama, where feature dancers are pitted against raunchy house girls. The kind of striptease you really want to see. Try to keep up with the number of sex scenes and see if you hit double digits! Never a shortage of sex in a Holliday feature! This strip club is more real than most places on the road and the dialogue is Cheerleader Strippers is the raw, real deal!!!

Duration: 85 minutes

Directed by: Jim Holliday 
Studio: Seduction Enterprises 

Watch these pornstars in Cheerleader Strippers :
 • Beverly  • Kim Kataine  • Nico Treasures  • Caressa Savage  • Joey Silvera  • Nick East  • Misty Rain  • Kylie Ireland  • Chad Thomas  • Lexi Erickson  • Serenity  • Felecia  • Tiffany Mynx  • Jill Kelly  • Rick O'Shea  • Mitchell Gant  • Brittany O'Connell  • Sindee Coxx  • Julie Rage  • T.T. Boy  • Sid Deuce  • David Christopher  • Stephanie Swift  • Missy


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