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Kayla's Great Escapes

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Kayla's Great Escapes

Kayla does her best Houdini impression in this feature video filmed in August of 2002. Her challenge - to free herself as quickly as possible from as many complex situations as SEETHER can place her in within a 60 minute time frame. Kayla is bound in business clothes, sundresses, pantyhose, jeans, and a white teddy wearing a variety of heels, hose, and other shoes - as well as barefoot. Different colored rope, chain, tape, cloth, and handcuffs are used to keep Kayla still while balls, cloth, tape, and harnesses are used to keep the young girl silent as she struggles. Kayla manages to free herself from almost every bind she is placed in, so if you are an escape fan, this is a must have for your collection!

Duration: 59 minutes

Studio: Shadowplay Imaging 

Watch these pornstars in Kayla's Great Escapes :
 • Kayla


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