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So many unfulfilled fantasies. So many in fact, that life can sometimes seem dull & gray, & only our fantasies are there to give vibrancy & color to our otherwise mundane reality. How many times in your everyday life have you seen an incredible looking guy that you just wanted right there on the spot only to just let him pass on by? Whatever the reasons, such opportunities get away & all we're left with are the dreams of what could have been. Luckily, there are always those dreams. Dreams & fantasies have a certain electricity that makes life more invigorating - especially when they're about some hot young stud! At last, here's the chance to take that extra step beyond all the "could've beens" & "never will be's" & into the bright & sensuous world of what happens when dreams become reality.

Duration: 100 minutes

Directed by: Ginetto Di Masolo 
Studio: G.A.I. Studios 

Watch these pornstars in Dreams :
 • Cameron Stone  • Walter Lee  • Julio Icente  • Jesse James  • Clint Baxter  • Don London  • Roy Fischer  • Matt Fuller  • Mason Tyler  • Jamie Blade  • Damon WEst


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