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Its the year 2099 and the globe is engulfed in the same cataclysmic events that nearly brought the world to an end in the 20th century -- wars, plagues, conflict and corruption. In place of the governments, multinational corporations and religious institutions, the overlord is a global despot who rules from behind his computer mainframe. But one man has a plan to destabilize this nightmarish existence with a simple question: What if reality was a dream and your dreams could be reality? Orpheus, played by Michael Raven, is the man, and Millennium is one of Ravens masterworks. The Danish sex bomb Katja Kean stars in this chilling preview of the future.

Duration: 87 minutes

Directed by: Michael Raven 
Studio: Sin City 

Watch these pornstars in Millennium :
 • Cassidey  • Lexington Steele  • Chris Cannon  • Charlie  • Jeanie Rivers  • Julie Meadows  • Jonathan Simms  • Bridgette Monroe  • Alec Metro  • Mark Davis  • George Kaplan  • Michael Raven  • Antonia  • Evan Stone  • Eric Price  • Katja Kean  • Allysin Chaynes  • Candy Apples  • Herschel Savage  • Sydnee Steele  • Mark Vega  • Shay Sweet  • Mr. Marcus


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