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Sin City Ultra and Director Jack Vincennes present an erotically sensual tale of wildly beautiful women, rare vintage wines, and all the things that make life worth living. Our tale concerns an elite group of men who gather to sample, delicious rare illusive things that few ever experience. Steven St. Croix stars as the group's leader whose theory that every woman can be matched to a perfect wine is seriously challenged when he meets a woman he can't control. Introducing the stunning Brittney Skye as the object of St. Croix's obsession. Also featuring Michelle Lay who does a smokin' taste test on Jordan Haze in the wine cellar and Ava Devine as an orally obsessed waitress, the awesome Lana Moore and sizzling Aria round out a stellar sex-charged cast in director Vincennes erotic journey into life's little decadences!

Duration: 111 minutes

Directed by: Jack Vincennes 
Studio: Sin City 

Watch these pornstars in Finesse :
 • Jordan Haze  • Aria  • Brittney Skye  • Steve French  • Ava Devine  • Eric Masterson  • Lana Moore  • Steven St. Croix  • Michelle Lay


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