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Wild Thing

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Wild Thing

Gorgeous young stunner Alexa stars in this torrid treat as a virginal bride-to-be whose life gets turned upside down after a car crash. The flick begins with Alexa and her fiance Randy Spears. She treats him to some oral loving because she doesn't believe in sex before marriage. She gets into a car wreck soon afterwards, and finds that her inhibitions have melted away. She insists that Randy deflower her right there in her hospital bed, then proceeds to go on a sexual spree that knows no bounds. She watches as pals Sydnee Steele and Alec Metro get down and dirty in a hot coupling, then peeks on Gina Ryder as she also hooks up with Metro. When Gina gets called away, Alexa finds that she's eager to jump into the mix with Metro herself.

Duration: 103 minutes

Directed by: Brad Armstrong 
Studio: Wicked 

Watch these pornstars in Wild Thing :
 • Sydnee Steele  • Randy Spears  • Jonathan Morgan  • Gina Ryder  • Devin Wolf  • Miko Lee  • Alexa Rae  • Alec Metro  • Ian Daniels  • Mike Horner  • Shay Sweet  • Mark Davis


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