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Down And Dirty In Beverly Hills

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Down And Dirty In Beverly Hills

Sadie (Porsche Lynn) is a girl who lives on the streets, disguising her beauty from male transients by posing as a worn-out, old bag lady. One day while roaming the alleys on the outskirts of Beverly Hills, she comes upon a rich girl (Summer Rose)in distress and saves her life. Sadie is instantly taken up by the socialite's family, which includes hot mama(Colleen Brennan), big daddy (Herschel Savage), horny son Tony Martino, the maid (Vanessa D'Oro), and the gardener (Buck Adams); all of whom are moved or motivated in some way by the sensuous street girl's tempestuous charms. Before our heroine is finished creating an erotic disturbance in Lotus Land, with the help of some of her low-budget Hollywood friends, all the men rise to her challenge, all the ladies and tramps that she meets end up drenched, and the entire cast learns a hard lesson: hot sex really is all that matters.

Duration: 80 minutes

Directed by: Dallas Taylor 
Studio: Cal Vista Video 

Watch these pornstars in Down And Dirty In Beverly Hills :
 • Colleen Brennan  • Porsche Lynn  • Chuck Martino  • Herschel Savage  • Vanessa D'oro  • Buck Adams  • Summer Rose


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