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Bubblegum Memories

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Bubblegum Memories

This is the very newest "baby" from the BigDikFactory presents a cock&roll story about a group of boys who play in a rock band. here we get it all the horse hung rockers playing raunchy tunes and getting sucked off by other band members while playing, the school orgies where they all fantasize and act upon them group big Dick suck fantasies. Jason sizemore fucks Elliot Ashland in just one of them, in another the three musicians have sex on their way back from rehearsal. the music video that constitutes the title sequence itself is a hoot. It comes blazing in "hung and mean I turned 18, proud and hung and mean and lean" written here at BDF and performed by "Mars Attacks". we have Jose the boyish Latino who dreams of his teacher's big dick and manages to get to it.

Duration: 69 minutes

Directed by: Toby Ross 
Studio: BigDikFactory 

Watch these pornstars in Bubblegum Memories :
 • David Ocean  • Dylan Hunter  • Brent Collins  • Jose Ortega  • Paul Bratt  • Elliot Ashland  • Jason Sizemore


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