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Brazilian Tails 2: Amigo E Pra Essas Coisas

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Brazilian Tails 2: Amigo E Pra Essas Coisas

Foreskin! Bruno Pascal fucks hairy stud Agenor Aquiar, then the action flips & Brunos sweet fuckhole takes it hard. Two hot tops Claudio Rezende & Fabrino Rangel fuck each other in some more hot flip-flop action. Two hung bottoms Henrigue (box-lft) & Adriel Maia (box-rt) both become tops in the final flip-flop fuck on the film.

Duration: 87 minutes
From the series: Brazilian Tails

Studio: Hollywood Sales 

Watch these pornstars in Brazilian Tails 2: Amigo E Pra Essas Coisas :
 • Fabiano Rangel  • Henrique  • Claudio Rezende  • Adriel Maia


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