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Different Strokes 2: Public Pop Shots

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Different Strokes 2: Public Pop Shots

You're walking down the street. Suddenly you see a beautiful girl. But what's all that white stuff dripping from her face? You can't believe what you're seeing She's walking down the street in full, public view, with Rodney Blast on her face!

Duration: 133 minutes
From the series: Different Strokes
Directed by: Rodney Moore 
Studio: OGV 

Watch these pornstars in Different Strokes 2: Public Pop Shots :
 • Genevieve DeKay  • Rodney Moore  • Julianna Sterling  • Aspen Brock  • Aztec Queen  • Kelli Cage  • Little Red  • Mercedes  • Alison Kilgore  • Monique  • Amber Lee


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