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Gaia: Les Obstacles de L' Amour

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Gaia: Les Obstacles de L' Amour

"Les obstacles de l'amour" was shot in Prague and is a love story between Claudia, who works in a night club called Rosemary's, and Chris, the owner of the club. While having dinner, before the night club opens, romantic feelings come to the surface. But they start to feel uncomfortable, and decide to go back to the night club. Claudia's working pal discovers what is going on and warns her seriously about falling in love with a man like Chris. The film twists and turns with many obstacles for Claudia and Chris to overcome before they end up between the sheets.

Duration: 89 minutes
From the series: Private: Gaia
Directed by: Christoph Clark 
Studio: Private Media 

Watch these pornstars in Gaia: Les Obstacles de L' Amour :
 • Alison  • Leslie Taylor  • Jean Yves Lecastel  • Kris Newz  • Mishi  • Paula Wild  • Christoph Clark  • Hana Melonova  • Silvia Saint  • Domilika Baumanova  • John Walton  • Eva


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