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The Grand Bitch

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The Grand Bitch

What happens when the Lilly white wife of The Grand Dragon himself has a car breakdown?, (and seeking help), knocks on the door of a black stud who happens to have a penchant for tasty white pussy?......... He opens the door and recognizes Mrs Grand Bitch, Sally D'Angelo, dressed in Lilly white from the top of her low cut dress down to her tall 'fuck me' pumps and makes a plan to fuck her and record it and blackmail her. He's so kind, hiding his devious purpose between the offer to use his phone and having a few drinks to calm her. Plied with booze and kindness, and an overwhelming desire to find out if these black studs are really well hung or not, Sally does some secret seducing of her own despite her tipsy condition. She likes that big black cock the instant she wraps her fingers around it and intends to find out what it feels like fucking her. Spreading her long white stocking clad legs wide and high she finds out just how good this black stud is as he takes her missionary, completely covering her beneath him as they kiss passionately and he thunder fucks her from orgasm to orgasm. A massive cum shot oozing from her well fucked pussy leads him to try the black mail......... But Sally's not to be trifled with and reminds him that The Grand Ol'Man will be here shortly to pick her up and won't take kindly to a black stud fucking his wife, insinuating that she'll tell him he FUCKED her ,loaded her down with a ooozing CREAMPIE (who wants to show him the "PIE" you or me, she says with a wicked smile........ Then she demands a weekly stud service from him and suddenly she's in charge and gets everything she wants, as she always does.

Duration: 30 minutes

Directed by: Sally D'Angelo 
Studio: Sally D’Angelo City Girlz 

Watch these pornstars in The Grand Bitch :
 • Sally D'Angelo


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