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Gutter Mouths 35

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Gutter Mouths 35

Breanna Fox: This whore is stupidly cute, and like all girls from Las Vegas she's a dirty slut. What is it about the desert that turns innocent little ladies into dick sucking, ass banging cum eating machines? Maybe it's because of the fact that it's too hot to go outside 9 months out of the year, so the whores must learn to entertain themselves indoors.Cindy Crawford: Cindy was once a high end contract star. But now look at her. She's been reduced to banging diseased trannies and having angry sex with whoever happens to be there. But hey, her loss is your gain. Watch as Cindy gets used and abused in this scene for very little money. It almost makes me feel bad for her...Almost. Annette Schwarz: Annette is a foul mouthed bang hole from Germany, so that means she has no sexual limits, which is a good thing. But what I don't like is that she is a "two face". Sometimes Annette looks stroke worthy, while other times she looks like a garbage can. No matter though, both suck cock and eat cum, and I guess that's all that really matters. Chloe Morgan: Damn, Chloe likes her some cock. So much so that she's been known to go into men's bathroom stalls at sporting events just to satisfy this insatiable need. When she's not banging strangers at ball games, Chloe likes helping male seniors by spending quality time with them. And by quality time we mean jerking them off.

Duration: 123 minutes
From the series: Gutter Mouths
Directed by: Jim Powers 
Studio: JM Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Gutter Mouths 35 :
 • Breanna Fox  • Chloe Morgan  • Cindy Crawford  • Annette Schwarz


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