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Sexy Grampas 4

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Sexy Grampas 4

Aslan and Igor live at the same apartment. Aslan is well known for his Saturday night parties with men of all ages. His unit is always busy and full of excitement. Igor is married but he likes to play with guys.Laurent, a Daddy we already know as an underwear fashion designer, is celebrating a very successful last quarter with his new investor. They get a bottle of their favorite vodka and they start drinking one shot after another.Toto is hot new daddy it turns out that although he is sexually active, he never been with a guy who had a really big cock. He always was in the lookout for the perfect piece.This very successful Daddy Bear, makes a lot of money brokering deals and he is also very aggressive in finding the hottest escorts in town since and he likes them big and nasty.

Duration: 102 minutes
From the series: Sexy Grampas

Studio: Older4Me 

Watch these pornstars in Sexy Grampas 4 :
 • Aslan  • Abdul  • Igor  • Rocky Bear  • Laurent  • Toto  • Donato  • Valter


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