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Ambush Massage 42

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Ambush Massage 42

It was great to welcome Nils Edberg back to the studio, and we now have him in again, for a massage. With his hot body he is certainly a great subject for a massage. We quickly see that beautiful body at Nils strips to his underwear and lays on the bed. Mattias Solich, also in only his underwear, comes in to perform the massage. He takes some oil and gets right to work on Nil's muscled back. His hands glide over the back and up to the shoulders. Nils relaxes, eyes shut, as the hands work over his back, down his spine, going nice and deep into the muscles. Mattias lowers the underwear some, to show a teasing amount of Nils' ass as he massages the base of the spine. Then Mattias moves to the legs, those thick thighs shaved smooth.

Duration: 104 minutes
From the series: Ambush Massage
Directed by: William Higgins 
Studio: William Higgins 

Watch these pornstars in Ambush Massage 42 :
 • Nils Edberg  • Mattias Solich


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