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Going Commando 4: Commando And Conquer

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Going Commando 4: Commando And Conquer

Quentin learns to go Commando in a whole new way as he leaves his attitude - and his underwear - at the door and strips down to serve and service his fellow man. After getting acquainted with the camera in a sizzling solo, Quentin goes mano-a-mano with muscled stud soldiers Michael and Markie in two bareback blitzkriegs fueled by pure testosterone. Quentin may think himself one tough commando, but his ass is gonna get conquered hard by his superiors before he can call himself fit for duty. Plus, dont miss rookie Trammels first trial-by-fire as he shows the folks at home the kind of ammo hes packing below the belt!

Duration: 164 minutes
From the series: Going Commando
Directed by: Dink Flamingo 
Studio: Active Duty 

Watch these pornstars in Going Commando 4: Commando And Conquer :
 • Trammel  • Markie More  • Quentin  • Michael


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