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Costa Rica Pura Vida 2

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Costa Rica Pura Vida 2

Pura Vida 2 launches a new round of wild and passionate shoots of gorgeous men letting go of all restraints among a beautiful, lush setting! The only thing that makes the scenery better are the red-hot hunks that take full advantage of the paradise to let wild all of their dirty fantasies - on each other! Veteran Josh shows the new batch of CF stars, Jacob, Kennedy, Tom, and Tyler the fun and pleasures to be had in the steamy tropics - and the guys manage to heat it up even more! Proving that when something that's good, you just have to do it again!Along with wild times out in the jungle, on the beach, and the town of Quepos - they have even wilder times fucking each other's brains out any and every chance they can - and every way they can!

Duration: 100 minutes
From the series: Pura Vida
Directed by: Corbin Fisher 
Studio: Corbin Fisher 

Watch these pornstars in Costa Rica Pura Vida 2 :
 • Kennedy (Corbin Fisher)  • Tyler (Corbin Fisher)  • Jacob (Corbin Fisher)  • Josh (Corbin Fisher)  • Tom (Corbin Fisher)


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