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Young Bastards 3: Control

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Young Bastards 3: Control

During an extreme breath control game little Eric takes a good pounding from macho Jordan and is so violently throttled that his face turns blue. The young macho has the little bastard totally under his control! Three lads subject their mate to a hefty gangbang because he lost a game. Florian blindfolds his pal and as a surprise brings with him a penis pump and a leather man. In five scenes the Young Bastards get their rocks off like theres no tomorrow.

Duration: 108 minutes
From the series: Young Bastards
Directed by: Max Jaeger 
Studio: Male Reality NO Use Mr. Male Reality 

Watch these pornstars in Young Bastards 3: Control :
 • Eric Angeletti  • Jordan Fox  • Rado  • Marco Valente  • Kenny Carlson  • Dirk Deggler  • Kirk James  • Ruben Fux  • Florian Hagen  • Lucky Joe


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