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Once you enter the world of Bulldog, theres only one way you can leave, and that way is coated in cum! Six young men enter, and six men leave, but they all leave their spunk behind, having emptied their balls and playing to the camera with their big dicks, gaping young holes and fucking the nearest flesh jack until their shafts quiver, their breath shortens and their spunk squirts from their dicks in explosion after explosion of masculinity. They have a vast selection of toys available to get them off, and they may think the pleasure is all theirs, but it is in fact kept for us to enjoy the sight of these handsome young fuckers jacking off for us to enjoy time and time again.

Duration: 70 minutes

Directed by: Jon Flynn 
Studio: Bulldog XXX Eurocreme Group 

Watch these pornstars in Jacked :
 • Kayden Gray  • Elio Guzman  • Kamyk Walker  • Jack Green  • Dave Paris  • Dan Stone


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