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Polyamory is a growing lifestyle that is more about the idea of multiple relationships than just sleeping around. Most poly people have a primary relationship and then other secondary relationships of varying degrees of commitment/intensity. Here we see Logan trying to step up his relationship with Riley, only to find shes stepped things up with Danny. Meanwhile, he goes back to Adriana who is currently seeing Aidra to discuss things with her about Riley, but Aidra suggests the three of them do some sensual experimentations. Riley, truly a bisexual, then goes back to her primary girlfriend Jenna, as they make love in her gorgeous new home. Starring Riley Reid, Adriana Chechik, Jenna Sativa, Aidra Fox, Logan Pierce, and Danny Mountain.

Duration: 127 minutes

Directed by: James Avalon 
Studio: Erotica X 

Watch these pornstars in Polyamory :
 • Aidra Fox  • Adriana Chechik  • Logan Pierce  • Danny Boy  • Riley Reid  • Jenna Sativa


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