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American Nannies

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American Nannies

For all the scrapes they bandage, the big cocks they suck, the lunches they make, the cucumbers they shove up their asses, the lessons they teach, the pussies and assholes they let us fuck, the noses they wipe, the cum that they swallow, the diapers they change, the stories they read, the titties they let us squeeze and suck on, the tears they wipe away and the pure delight they bring to fathers around the globe, our American Nannies are invaluable parts of our families. What would we do without them?

Duration: 144 minutes

Directed by: B. Skow 
Studio: Girlfriends Films Skow 

Watch these pornstars in American Nannies :
 • Alexis Adams  • Ramon Nomar  • Mick Blue  • Daisy Haze  • Steve Holmes  • Dakota Skye  • Toni Ribas  • Carter Cruise


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