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Seilschaften 2: Japanisches Bondage

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Seilschaften 2: Japanisches Bondage

Eyleen Manzana and Miss Marina have plenty of fun in ropes. Under the Spanish sun, these two are tied up and side hung in Yoko-Zuri. The special feature: rigger Hera ties Eyleen upside down from the ceiling and cuts her hair off! Its an amazing scene, chock full of erotic ropes and sexy bondage suspension!

Duration: 99 minutes
From the series: Seilschaften
Directed by: Hera Delgado 
Studio: Eronite 

Watch these pornstars in Seilschaften 2: Japanisches Bondage :
 • Eyleen Manzana  • Marina  • Hera Delgado


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