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Eugene not only appreciates femmes, she worships them. She kneels at the altar to show devotion to three very different women. Seductive Lucy with her lithe body, pale skin and jet black hair, teases the "altar boy" with her flogger before Eugene succumbs to the cruel whip of sadistic redhead Alyx. Lucy holds the leash and Alyx holds the hair as Rubenesque Clementine smothers Eugene with her breathtaking JJ cup breasts. Eugene's tongue caresses Clementine's huge nipples and tenderly licks the A cups of Alyx and Lucy before she is brought to the floor to be trampled by the women's bare feet and Cuban heel stockings. Finally, the trio covers Eugene with hot wax as she jerks off and cums, overwhelmed and spent by femme sexual power.

Duration: 14 minutes

Directed by: Alyx Fox 
Studio: Foxhouse Films 

Watch these pornstars in Femmephilia :
 • Lucy Goose  • Clementine Kitt  • Alyx Fox  • Eugene


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