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It's that instant attraction that sends the signal, blood coursing from your brain to your bulge as you eye his imposing image. The twitch hits like lightening, imploring you to act on your Impulse. Come closer... TitanMen exclusives Jessy Ares, Dario Beck, Philippe Ferro and Hunter Marx lead a cast of throbbing bods ready to help with your urge. After impressive underwater oral action, Jessy Ares and Adam Killian take turns plowing Shay Michaels by the pool -- leading to a fuck chain and an intense, body-quivering climax. Outdoor workout buds Philippe Ferro and Lawson Kane drop their dumbbells and their shorts, spotting each other's cocks before Ferro bends over the bench. Hairy and handsome Hunter Marx works up a sweat, his handstands catching the attention of Dario Beck. The two exchange sucks before the rock-hard Dario sits down on his hung bud.

Duration: 113 minutes

Directed by: Brian Mills 
Studio: Titan Media 

Watch these pornstars in Impulse :
 • Jessy Ares  • Lawson Kane  • Hunter Marx  • Adam Killian  • Philipe Ferro  • Shay Michaels  • Dario Beck


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