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Award Winning Director Brad Armstrong follows up his Best Drama, Director, and Screenplay trifecta wins for his blockbuster hits Aftermath and Underworld with his latest Adult Saga Starmaker.Mia (Asa Akira) is a struggling actress who meets Jeremy (Tommy Pistol), a wannabe scriptwriter. Together the two hatch a plan to blackmail Martin Anderson (Brad Armstrong), a famous movie producer, by staging and secretly filming his illicit encounter with Mia. Martin caves in to their demands, but his no-nonsense, hard as nails wife Elise (Jessica Drake) is having none of it, and enlists the help of hired muscle (Kurt Lockwood) to put a stop to their scheme and make sure the story never hits the newsstands.Starmaker is full of incredible performances from this A-List ensemble cast, as the viewer is plunged into the over-indulgent, sex-fueled world of Hollywood. In a town where secret deals, casting couches and double-crosses are the norm, nothing is ever as it seems. Everyone is focused on doing whatever it takes to make it, and all theyre looking for is that one big break. The only question is What would you do to be famous?

Duration: 217 minutes

Directed by: Brad Armstrong 
Studio: Wicked 

Watch these pornstars in Starmaker :
 • Courtney Taylor  • Kurt Lockwood  • Kaylani Lei  • Jeanie Marie  • Amia Miley  • Kalina Ryu  • Jessica Drake  • Asa Akira  • Brad Armstrong  • Tommy Pistal


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