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Reverend Daddy

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Reverend Daddy

We all look up to and respect the Priests. Given responsibility to ensure the spiritual well being of our young men, they are entrusted to help as well as punish where punishment is due. Here are a whole load of naughty young men, ready and willing to take their Penance, with some even going for gold and seducing the priests themselves! Its not hard to see why, with priests as muscled as Giorgio and as hung as Craig, and as devilishly handsome as superstar Jessy Ares. Catching their boys looking for bibles or giving fake confession, the best way to teach these boys a lesson is to give them the taste of what a fully grown man wants from life, and it tastes just like cock and ass! Forgiveness is the key to their happiness, and penance is the only way these priests give!

Duration: 80 minutes

Directed by: Andy O'Neill 
Studio: First Crush Eurocreme Group 

Watch these pornstars in Reverend Daddy :
 • Jason Goddard  • Jessy Ares  • Danny Montero  • Giorgio Arsenale  • Johnny Cruz  • Nick North  • Jack Green  • Craig Daniels


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