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Abby Cross thinks it's been so nice of you and your wife to let her live at your house while she finishes school. She doesn't know how she could ever repay you for your kindness although an idea did come to her at dinner the other night. You're a good looking man who should be getting his needs met. She wants you to come over to your bed and let her take care of you since your wife won't.Belle Noire isn't attracted to guys her own age for long term commitments. She can't marry her boyfriend when she has such a heavy crush on you. She can see a bulge in your pants right now. Why don't you come over to the bed and let her hold that big cock in her hands. It's so big she need to taste you.Cameron Canada feels so damn horny all the time after her breakup, it must be her age. If you don't say anything to her mom, she would be open to fooling around with you, her mother's boyfriend. She has always wondered what it would be like to fuck an older man and she's sure you wouldn't have any complaints about her cute little pussy.Dani Jensen appreciates you taking the time to come over and fix her brakes so she don't have to go pay a mechanic. She wishes her boyfriend could work on cars the way you do but he is nowhere near the alpha male that you are. It was still pretty nice of him to ask you to do this for her. You guys have been best friends for such a long time haven't you? It's probably wrong of her to say what she's about to say but she feels like she should do something extra special for all your help with her car.

Duration: 46 minutes
From the series: Sex POV
Directed by: Michael Diamond 
Studio: ErosArts Inc. 

Watch these pornstars in Sex POV :
 • Belle Noire  • Abby Cross  • Dani Jensen  • Cameron Canada


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