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Mad 6

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Mad 6

Housemaid Mau actually dared to take the mistress's latex outfit and even browse the cellar without asking. An act so outrageous that she doesn't go unpunished for long. Baroness Bijou caught the culprit in the act and spanked her ass violently before she ties Mau onto their "Kinky Chair" and gives a very special treatment with steel dildos. But that still is not enough to amuse the lady and her friend, so the next day the bitch must undergo pony training with a very obscene rocking horse. In the evening, the lady checked the dungeon where the chained woman was allowed to spend the night. Crazy with lust and soaking wet in the crotch, the panting orgasm after the frivolous games seems to show how much she really liked it!

Duration: 81 minutes

Studio: Amator 

Watch these pornstars in Mad 6 :
 • Mau  • Shiny  • Lady Yvi  • RubberDoll  • Baroness Bijou


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