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Cocky Commandos

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Cocky Commandos

Chase posed for some photos done by a friend of mine and when the subject came up about getting naked on video, he was all about it. When cum time came, even Chase was surprised at the distance he shot, landing dabs clear up his chest and covering his stomach and hand. He didn't hesitate a second when I asked him to lick it off.22 y/o Dale recently told his buddy, Colt, that he wanted to make some extra cash. Dale's a brand new guy to porn. He's a bit of a stoical guy and was a tough one to read-- somewhere between cocky and nervous. Certainly not shy about showing off his goods.Colt was scheduled to come over. An hour or so before that, though, Hugh stopped by to pick up tax paperwork and, being an inexhaustibly horny guy, wanted to try out a sex toy. Enter Colt. Since they were both here it seemed like a no-brainer to get them to do a side-by-side JO and see what would happen.After his massage video, when he tried a couple dildos, Tory said he wanted to try the real thing next. I had just the guy in mind for him: Hugh. He's got a thick dick and I had a feeling he'd jump in there and fuck Tory like a jackrabbit. Our first bareback scene!After peeling off his clothes and finding a few videos to watch, Jake was off like a mad dash to the finish line.Nash is definitely not a stranger to happy-ending massages. After his last shoot we got to talking and when he mentioned he'd done them before I (of course) asked him about getting one on camera. Nash is just one overall horny guy, so his answer didn't take a whole lot of time to think about. Even if it was his first time getting one from a guy.Owen moved to San Diego from a small town in the mid-west courtesy of the military. A bit of a late-bloomer, he recently turned 21 and is just starting to explore some of his wilder sides. And while he was at it, thought he'd try getting naked on camera for the first time.

Duration: 122 minutes

Studio: Spunk Worthy Video 

Watch these pornstars in Cocky Commandos :
 • Owen  • Hugh  • Colt  • Nash (Spunk Worthy)  • Dale  • Chase (Spunk Worthy)  • Jake  • Tory (m)


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