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You think you're alone. You let your guard down, surrendering to that undeniable urge. But you're wrong -- intense eyes are on you, and they want a lot more than just a glance. You've been Exposed, but don't be shy -- embrace your inner exhibitionist. Need some help? Titan Men exclusive Aymeric DeVille is here to lead the way as a group of hung buds show off and get off as your sensual stare turns them on. Assuming the position in the men's room, tattooed Aymeric DeVille has two admirers: hairy hunk Junior Stellano and muscle jock Shay Michaels. Before it's over, no mouth or hole is left unsatisfied. Beefy repairman Roman Wright gets a sniff of bud Jeremy Tyler's briefs, the two exchanging sucks before Jeremy gets a super-sized stick shift up the ass over the hood of his car. Turned on by the sight of a stroking Enzo Rimenez, tight and toned Amir unleashes his big cock on the eager bottom in a passionate encounter.

Duration: 99 minutes

Directed by: Brian Mills 
Studio: Titan Media 

Watch these pornstars in Exposed :
 • Jeremy Tyler  • Shay Michaels  • Enzo Rimenez  • Junior Stellano  • Amir Roddero  • Roman Wright  • Aymeric Deville


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