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Arm the troops, and brace yourself for a full-on ASSault. These military men train hard and get hands on in some serious ass-fisting combat. Accomplished director, David Hempling, brings military pig sex fantasy to life in ASSault. A-Team exclusive models Brian Bonds and David Benjamin star alongside a cast of anything-goes officers who test the limits of each others holes and attack ass like decorated fisting heroes. They use every resources available including missile dildos, raging cocks, bombing butt plugs and furious fists, and show no mercy to win their battles. Brian Bonds and Christian Lesage take siege on each others holes in a full on fisting blitz. Privates Armond Rizzo and Krave Moore go from basic training to advanced maneuvers using multiple toys. David Benjamin takes command of Christian Lesage's greedy hole with fist and then his entire forearm in an explosive session. Armond Rizzo & Brian Bonds build slow to an intense double-fisted ass destruction. Youll be wondering where these military studs put all that equipment when you hunker down in your bunker for this all-out ASSault to your fisting senses.

Duration: 161 minutes

Directed by: David Hempling 
Studio: Hot House Entertainment Club Inferno Falcon Studios Group 

Watch these pornstars in ASSault :
 • Krave Moore  • David Benjamin  • Armond Rizzo  • Christian Lesage  • Brian Bonds


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