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Stepsisters That Scissor 2

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Stepsisters That Scissor 2

When Alley told Shiloh that she missed her girlfriend, she was sympathetic and became sexually aroused, so they licked each other's pussies and rubbed them together! Skye asked Piper to watch a movie with her and hang out but they ended up eating each other out instead! When Ashley offered to show Josie the joys of bumping clams, she couldn't resist. Paris was happy to be Stella's personal trainer today at the gym, but that lead to some serious muff banging!

Duration: 118 minutes
From the series: Stepsisters That Scissor
Directed by: Talon 
Studio: Lethal Hardcore 

Watch these pornstars in Stepsisters That Scissor 2 :
 • Ally Brooks  • Piper Perri  • Josie Jagger  • Shilo Sharada  • Ashley Adams (f)  • Stella Daniels  • Paris Lincoln  • Skye West


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