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Smoking Seductions

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Smoking Seductions

Imagine a world where women still care about being glamourous and wear stockings, lingerie, gloves, high heels, long red nails and red lips. Sinnamon Love, Allanah Rhodes, Julie Simone, Mistress Genevieve, Paris Kennedy, Nikki Sebastian, Mayhem, Samantha Grace, JJ Plush, Bossy Delilah, Smoking Mary Jane and Tati Russo seduce you with their bodies and mouths in this gorgeous smoking fetish movie. Includes cigarette smoking, cigar smoking, topless, french inhaling, smoking strip tease, deep inhales, wafting smoke, smokey kisses and ends with an incredible smoking blowjob by Julie Simone. Music by Rich Brigham, the muse and KONG helps you lose yourself in the visuals expertly crafted by AVN Hall of Fame director Julie Simone.

Duration: 73 minutes

Directed by: Julie Simone 
Studio: Julie Simone Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Smoking Seductions :
 • Tati Russo  • Paris Kennedy  • Smoking Mary Jane  • Julie Simone  • JJ Plush  • Bossy Delilah  • Nikki Sebastian  • Mistress Genevieve  • Allanah Rhodes  • Mayhem  • Sinnamon Love  • Samantha Grace


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