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Masseur Baiters

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Masseur Baiters

Being a masseur is hard enough as it is. Youre on your feet all day, the pays not great, and most dont even get benefits but the worst part of it all is feeling up fine asses all day and not even getting to bust your nut. The temptation runs strong, and there are some out there who are eager to take advantage. Enter the world of the Masseur Baiters, a rare and daring breed of bottoms who prey on unsuspecting masseurs. Sure, they act innocent on the outside, but theyre masters of the art of subtle seduction. An arched back, a slight spread of the legs, a breathy moan, these dudes know all the tricks of the trade to turn a friendly massage into a rub-down on the down-low. Krave Moore, JP Richards, XL, and unbelievably hung PD Fox star as four massage specialists who take the bait and just cant resist letting their hands wander. So warm those palms and oil up, because these master Baiters are making their rounds, and no masseur is safe! A Next Door Ebony anthology.

Duration: 114 minutes

Studio: Next Door Ebony 

Watch these pornstars in Masseur Baiters :
 • J.P. Richards  • XL  • Kraven Moore  • Tyce Jax  • PD Fox  • Carlos  • Astengo  • Kevin Moore  • Damian Brooks


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