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Granny Seduces Her Grandson's Buddy

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Granny Seduces Her Grandson's Buddy

Grandma Sally D'Angelo finds her grandson and his black buddy discussing college, video games, etc...but Sally has other thoughts in mind and sends Sonny off on an errand. Hopefully for enough time so she can seduce this hot stud. It doesn't take long for the action to begin. First she does a slow strip followed by "helping" the youngster out of his clothes and devouring his pierced cock. It's not long before these two are into wild sex all over the bed. Blow job, fucking, cunnilingus with a huge creampie, oooops! Here comes Sonny and he's not all smiles this time, but that is what he gets for having a white whore as his Grandma!

Duration: 16 minutes

Directed by: Sally D'Angelo 
Studio: Sally D’Angelo 

Watch these pornstars in Granny Seduces Her Grandson's Buddy :
 • Sonny (m)  • Sally D'Angelo


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