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My First Cream Pie 6

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My First Cream Pie 6

Tiny Tiffany was waiting for a ride from her friend, but her phone died and she couldn't get in contact with her. She knocked on David's door, and being the helpful guy he is, he invited her inside. Since nothing in this life is free David wanted a piece of that teen ass and Tiffany had to deliver, or go back to the streets.Kaylee was visiting friends and family in L.A. and on a recent trip to the coffee shop she got her dad's car towed - a Benz! She told her buddy about the situation and let him know it's gonna take $500 to get the car out of impound. Since she didn't want to get in trouble with her pops, she agreed to get filled up - SCORE!19 year old Alexa is an absolute stunner! She's a tall drink of water clocking in at 5 foot 10 with legs that never end and an AMAZING ass to match!Allie Rae was up with the beautiful sunrise this morning! She heard a noise outside of her door to discover her step-brother, David, was sleepwalking AGAIN! She laid him out in her bed and that's when things started getting weird.Cosima is a freak! This girl sneaked in to the other room while her dad's friend was sleeping over and peeped at his huge dick under the sheets. Amazed by his huge cock, she starts going at it and giving him the best head ever. Her dad's friend woke up in shock and didn't want to do this to his best friend but fuck it, you only live once.

Duration: 145 minutes
From the series: My First Cream Pie

Studio: Team Skeet 

Watch these pornstars in My First Cream Pie 6 :
 • Tiffany Kohl  • Cosmia Dunkin  • Mila Blaze  • Ali Ray  • Kaylee Hayes


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