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Can you feel the sweat beads forming at your temple, slowly sliding down the middle of your chest? It's brutal out there... take off that tank top and then whip it out. Or better yet, let TitanMen exclusives David Anthony and Tibor Wolfe show you how it's done as they lead a hung cast through a series of heated encounters under the blazing sun and midnight moon. Relief is just a few strokes away... The heat is getting to sweaty blue collar stud Spencer Reed, who takes a break from his outdoor assignment -- and catches the attention of co-worker Tibor Wolfe. Cooling off by the pool, scruffy Tom Wolfe manages to heat things up again as he takes control of dark and handsome Logan Scott. The super-chiseled bodies and massive cocks of David Anthony and Bryan Slater fight for attention in Gio Forte's holes, the incredible scene highlighted by an unforgettable fuck chain.

Duration: 138 minutes

Directed by: Brian Mills 
Studio: Titan Media 

Watch these pornstars in Swelter :
 • Gio Forte  • Logan Scott  • Bryan Slater  • Tom Wolfe  • Tibor Wolfe  • David Anthony  • Spencer Reed


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