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Cory Chase And Molly Jane In Mindwarp Rings

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Cory Chase And Molly Jane In Mindwarp Rings

Dad and son are sitting at the table when the son tells a dark secret. "I want to have sex with mom," he says. The dad laughs and begins to describe an ancient device that controls women. That cant be real, the son thinks, as dad calls in his wife Cory. "Submissive slut ready for command," Cory says with a permanent smile glued to her face. The son tracks down his sister Molly and convinces her to put the ring on. With these rings, Cory and Molly are obedient sex slaves willing to do anything they are commanded.

Duration: 72 minutes

Studio: Taboo Heat 

Watch these pornstars in Cory Chase And Molly Jane In Mindwarp Rings :
 • Molly Jane  • Alex Adams  • Cory Chase  • Luke Longly


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