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Fuck Feast 16

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Fuck Feast 16

Steve Peryoux and Tom Vojak are in the garden working, collecting logs. But they have other things on their minds. Steve opens and removes Tom's shirt, showing off his nice, hairy chest. Then he opens the jeans and releases Tom's massive cock and begins to suck on it.The sexy, long-haired, muscle guy David Kadera is out in the garden for a photo shoot. He shows off his beautiful body, as he works through a series of poses, under the photographer's direction. When it is all over the photographer tells David to fetch his friend, Milan Beran. Milan is wearing only a towel and David joins him, handing him some oil.Alan Carly and Marek Prohodil are exploring a derelict building and find it a good place to share a kiss. As they do so, they start to undress each other, opening the shirts. They pull the shirts from each other, exposing their sexy chests. Then the shorts are dropped as well and Marek goes down on his knees and begins to suck on Alan's lovely cock.In another stunning scene, we have Ondra Matej and Ivan Mraz. Ondra has been out hiking and is looking for shelter, as he expects rain. Ivan finds him and, after telling him that he shouldn't be in the garden, sits and makes him welcome with some kisses. Soon the guys are shirtless and Ivan sucks on nipples as he rubs Ondra's groin.

Duration: 83 minutes
From the series: Fuck Feast
Directed by: William Higgins 
Studio: William Higgins 

Watch these pornstars in Fuck Feast 16 :
 • Sam Williams  • Steve Peryoux  • Ondra Matej  • Milan Bera  • David Kadera  • Marek Prohodil  • Ivan Mraz  • Tom Vojak


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