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Shirt And Tie Lesbians 2

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Shirt And Tie Lesbians 2

Abby Cross and Vicky Chase in a bed wearing nothing but their shirts and ties - will you ever look at a beautiful woman in professional attire the same way again? We hope not! Watch as these two Shirt And Tie Lesbians add a little crisp shades of white, to the hot pink shades of their wet pussies, and those full body blushes as they grind against each other and whimper.Holly Heart and Olivia Austin couldn't keep their paws off each other at the office! Now they're home, and these two Shirt And Tie Lesbians are ready to do more than the usual kiss and fuck... they want to add a camera! You get the sense of this when their bodies start to respond to foreplay and they give that horny look to the camera, before moving off to the couch with the toys!Brooke Summers and Brooklyn Rose stand with their butts naked, soaking in the sun and each others' desire. Their minds are already across the room doing things to each other to make them squeal and curl their toes, with the rest of them, soon to follow. Enjoy a tiny bit of kink and enough direct stimulation to fill the whole runtime!Britney Amber and Alex Chance have decided it's way too horny out to go to work today - they're closing the world away and going back to bed, together! The blonde and brunette pair shoot for sensation of spectacle, going over each others' bodies with the kind of womanly touch that only gets rough as much as the moment demands it!

Duration: 111 minutes
From the series: Shirt And Tie Lesbians

Studio: Filly Films 

Watch these pornstars in Shirt And Tie Lesbians 2 :
 • Vicki Chase  • Holly Heart  • Britney Amber  • Olivia Austin  • Brooklyn Rose  • Abby Cross  • Brooke Summers  • Alex Chance


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