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Greta's Training

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Greta's Training

Greta is a sweet innocent looking tart with a penchant to explore her submissive emotions and venture into a cognitive state she barely understands. She is drawn by the aura and mystique of servitude, control and the feeling of helplessness in the hands of a superior personality. Her introduction to submission is initiated by a dark and mysterious figure she knows only as the Professor. Her first hours of training are harsh. Her new master explores the resolve of her mental state through a heavy dose of the lash and paddle. To complete Gretas Training the Professor gives her to his friend Lord Baldric to do with as he pleases. Greta experiences a different side of submission when Baldric uses her most tender intimate parts to pleasure himself.

Duration: 81 minutes

Directed by: Andre Baylock 
Studio: Bizarre Production 

Watch these pornstars in Greta's Training :
 • Baylock  • Csoky Ice  • Greta


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