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Dima Lukin and Hugo Antonin feature in this CFNM, with the Mad Maids. The maids are cleaning up after what seems to be a rather messy party. Chatting all the while they go about their work. One of the maids goes to move a blanket and under it she finds a sleeping Dima. They giggle at the sight of him asleep, with a cushion on his body. As one girl tries to peek under the cushion she thinks he is naked. Gently they remove the cushion and, indeed, Dima is naked. Also asleep on a chair is Hugo, as the girls remove his cover they find that he has kept his shorts on. Returning their attention to Dima one girl begins to tickle him with a duster, when she reaches his face he awakens. The other girl quickly grabs his arms while the other one jumps on him and covers his mouth to stop him from screaming out. They gag Dima with a ball gag to keep him quiet, and tie his wrists and ankles. Then they return to Hugo.

Duration: 200 minutes
From the series: CFNM
Directed by: William Higgins 
Studio: William Higgins 


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