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The Soccer Mom Slut

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The Soccer Mom Slut

After talking his wife into a three way, this dude's got a total slut on his hands and he loves it!Hal's wife Briana was a stay at home soccer mom who had never even acted like she would fuck anyone other than her own husband until one day, she watched a porn video that changed everything!Her husband decided to see if maybe she was actually just a closet slut and he discovered that she was after letting her meet a few of his slutty girlfriends from the office!It wasn't long before she was doing every nasty thing you could think of with other women and luckily for her husband, he was right there fucking them along with her!She learned how to eat pussy, cream pies and even suck ass and nothing was off limits for her!He and the office girls turned her into a bonafide bi slut who can never get enough sex!

Duration: 64 minutes

Directed by: Marvin Morgan 
Studio: Trix Productions 

Watch these pornstars in The Soccer Mom Slut :
 • Summer Carter  • Brianna Lee  • Dallas Diamondz


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