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Taboo 5

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Taboo 5

Voluptuous Collen Brennan is Mary. Split personas of a Madonna by day and a seductress by night, she drives her son wild with illicit desires. Jamie Gillis returns as Dr. Lodge. His incestuous love affair with his daughter Fobin in Taboo 4 is over, as his other daughter's love affair is just beginning. He fills the void in his heart for his daughter with the beautiful and voracious Amber Lynn in her most stunning performance. Her body exudes sheer sexual essence as she loves, lies and defiles herself for her sadistic enjoyment of his misery. Karen Summer is Naomi, daughter of Dr. Lodge and new wife to a hot, up-and-coming director who has to put his womanizing ways away for his new bride, but can he?Kirdy Steven masterfully penetrates the decadent world of incestuous secrets as no other adult film director can.

Duration: 114 minutes
From the series: Taboo - KirdyCo
Directed by: Kirdy Stevens 
Studio: Standard Digital 

Watch these pornstars in Taboo 5 :
 • Lorrie Lovett  • Jamie Gillis  • Amber Lynn  • Porsche Lynn  • Jonathan Younger  • Shone Taylor  • Billy Dee  • Kevin James  • Joey Silvera  • Colleen Brennan  • Buck Adams  • Karen Summer


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