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Still In School 18 Yr HS Exhibitionist Cris

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Still In School 18 Yr HS Exhibitionist Cris

Cris had just turned 18 and admitted to being quite the exhibitionist. I asked him what some of the strangest places he had jerked of at were, and he mentioned during class and in a faculty bathroom. Why didn't anyone do this when I was in school?Cris used to play football and definitely has the build for it. He took off his shirt and said that it really turned him on knowing others would be watching. I had given him some lube and he must not have realized what it was because he started rubbing it all over his body. I got a little chuckle out of that, but then he caught on.He dropped his pants and stood there buck naked for all to see. Apparently Cris isn't big into underwear. Just makes it more difficult to get to his thick cock I guess. He lays back and works his cock while watching the porno on TV. He said it was a real turn-on being naked on camera. After a while he lays back with his legs spread and gets really intense. He beats his meat faster and faster while he moans. He was really getting into it.Finally he could no longer hold back and several globs of white jizz spurt onto his belly. He laid there with a sea of cum pooled up around his naval. "Felt great!" he said. Looked pretty good too.

Duration: 10 minutes
From the series: Still In School
Directed by: Steve Myer 
Studio: Sex in Clothes 

Watch these pornstars in Still In School 18 Yr HS Exhibitionist Cris :
 • Cris (m)


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