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Name Your Fetish

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Name Your Fetish

What will it be today: armpit sniffing, toe licking, piss gargling, or some wrist-deep fisting? Name Your Fetish and Lucas Raunch will make all of your filthy fantasies come true! To begin, Tate Ryder takes Alessandro Master's fist up his ass all the way past the wrist. The blond twink Justin Cruise returns so Michael Lucas can taste his feet. Theres no shortage of piss play when Adam Killian, Franco Ferarri, and Jonathan Agassi get wet. And C.J. Madison and Devin Adams lick and sniff each others armpits! There are further appearances from Christopher Daniels, Jeremy Stevens, Dirk Caber, and Logan Rogue. Name Your Fetish and our sex pigs will make it happen!

Duration: 100 minutes

Directed by: Adam Killian 
Studio: Lucas Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Name Your Fetish :
 • Sean Xavier  • Adam Killian  • Shay (m)  • Dominic Pacifico  • Alessandro Master  • Tate Ryder  • Christopher Daniels  • Franco Ferarri  • Jeremy Stevens  • Jonathan Agassi  • Justin Cruise  • Michael Lucas  • Drake Jaden


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