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Twinks In Training

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Twinks In Training

Next Door Studios has a few Twinks In Training and you get a front row seat. Hayden Michaels and Tyler Sweet wander into a set after hours and find a Cody Cummings photo set and can't resist fucking where Cody has fucked. Phillip Ryan has never tried anything with another guy and looks to his second cousin Leon Styles for a bit of advice. Phillip shares some of his secret porn and sex toy stash and they do some sexy experimenting. After a long night of video games, Hayden Chandler crashed on the couch. Jamie Aero and Tommy Deluca check in on their friend and decide to play their own game with the sleeping twink. It's a hot summer day and Elijah White and Cody Cachet play around with a watermelon, but fucking fruit isn't the same as fucking a twink, so the melon gets discarded and things get hotter.

Duration: 113 minutes

Studio: Next Door Male 

Watch these pornstars in Twinks In Training :
 • Elijah White  • Hayden Chandler  • Cody Cachet  • Phillip Ryan  • Tyler Sweet  • Jamie Aero  • Tommy DeLuca  • Hayden Michaels


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