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Dirty Rascals

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Dirty Rascals

Filled with a lust for sex and adventure, best buddies Connor Maguire and Tommy Defendi flee their boring hometown in rural Ohio and set off for the summer to explore Europe. With just the clothes on their backs and practically no money they find themselves in Prague where they realize they're going to have to rely on their good looks, charm - and when necessary - their huge cocks to survive. A stolen wallet, a dead Countess, a stuffed cat, family jewels, and a castle staffed with stunning European men including BelAmi superstars Gino Mosca and Phillipe Gaudin and more all leave Connor and Tommy wondering "Just who really are the Dirty Rascals?"

Duration: 107 minutes
From the series: Dirty Rascals
Directed by: mr. Pam 
Studio: Naked Sword 

Watch these pornstars in Dirty Rascals :
 • Darius Ferdynand  • Phillipe Gaudin  • Connor Maguire  • Rick Lautner  • Marcel Gassion  • Tim Campbell  • Tommy Defendi  • Dato Foland  • Karel Ceman  • Vasek Konik


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