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Ghetto Whiteboys

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Ghetto Whiteboys

Cleetus has been hanging around the trailer park for a couple years now and over the years we have gotten to know him a little bit, and since he has just recently turned 18, he decided to stop by and see if he could make a little money. We had heard from some of the bitches that he had fucked that he had a big dick and we were dying to find out.Our pal Ivy dropped by wanting to bust a nut. He's a hot redheaded Ghetto white boy, with a shitload of tats. He was a little nervous, but he strokes his fat, red headed dick to a slurpy nut.

Duration: 89 minutes

Directed by: Joe Schmoe 
Studio: Joe Schmoe Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Ghetto Whiteboys :
 • Cleetus


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